Monday, February 2, 2009

Getting ready for the big one

I'm getting ready to go on vacation again with camera in hand, so I thought I'd post a few landscapes from previous travels. I know when I get back, I'll be so inspired I won't be able to sit still. These are inspired from our trip to Scotland!


  1. Scotland! How wonderful!

    Connie, I've emailed your guitar player back to you with a few revisions-- hope it's a little closer to your original.

    I'm writing today to say, "TAG! You're It!"
    This is a fun little thing that the bloggers do, to get to know each other and increase good traffic to your blog.

    This is how it works:

    1. Put a link in your posting to the person who tagged you (that would be me)
    2. List seven (7) unusual things about yourself.
    3. Tag seven (7) other bloggers at the end of your post and comment on their blogs to let them know.

    Hope you'll want to play!
